Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are you living a good life?

According to Wikipedia.com, good life is a term for the life that one would like to live, or for happiness.

Am I having a good life? I guess so, yes. I'm eating 3 times a day. I go to a good school. We have a house to live in. My family is still complete. But somehow I feel that something is missing. I'm having a hard time appreciating because of the situation we're facing now.

Plato's criticism of art.

For Plato, the artist was a dull fellow, simply holding a mirror to nature, imitating it without purpose or thought. (2000) http://andrasta.com/Plato.html

No, I don't agree with Plato. Art is something we do to express ourselves and if it is something that is without a purpose it's like expressing yourself to something empty. I don't see it that way. What we do is something we represent ourselves. And what Plato is doing represents himself. Maybe what he is doing isn't how art should be. I think that art before isn't appreciated much that's why he thought of that. But as we look now to the present time, you can't just say those. Like in photography one of the most taken shoots are nature. And if photography is art, then taking photos of nature is meaningless? No purpose? I believe that nature is art. We can see God's artistic personality through nature. So I strongly disagree with Plato.


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