Thursday, July 28, 2011


Neo (Lucid Dance Troupe) introduced to us this workout! We have been doing this for the past 2 weeks? Every Tuesday and Thursday though more on fitness, cardio and a little of abs work out. I freakin' wanna have a copy of the DVD but I always forget. Haha! Even though I'm thin as H*ll, I would like to muscle up my body. I'd rather have this than go to the gym and spend money.

So I'm looking forward now to every training because of this! And hope that Neo is always there (coz we use his Mac) HAHAHA!

Leggo Lucid! Let's all practice and train hard to reach our goals! :-bd


What’s better than spending the whole day with you?

Just me and you, my troubles behind me because you simply take them away. We would talk about yours and I would kiss you to make those go away. Our intimate conversations would transition from jokes to deeper interventions of the pain that we go through everyday with our troubled lives, that would all be fixed when we bind hands and lock lips. I smile because you smile, I laugh because your dorky giggle is so cute. With no disputes. No awkward silences, but silences where our souls correlate while we stare into each others eyes, seeing past physical features and appreciating the intellectual being. I never want to escape from your embrace, for it is my sanctuary, my happiness.



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Almost but fortunetly I didn't.

This isn't me. I'm a happy person and I really don't want to feel depression. Because each time I do, the people around me gets affected.

Last week's really been hard for me. As in hard. Problems here and there. Mostly here at our house. You couldn't tell how sad I was inside and the people you could hang on to isn't there. Or too busy to be there or so... I was so moody. Little things I already get irritated. As much as I want to understand the situation, I always think that LIFE is unfair. What's happening to us has been the same for the past days, weeks, months and yes... years. But every time you hear people that "every thing will be okay" I just can't seem to believe them. Everything is unfair. I wasn't contented. Why can't we have this? Why are we like this? WHY?! Why...

I'm a YFC. An officer. Last week (July 18-22) we were planning for our Youth Camp for the weekend (July 23-24). As I worry about my concerns, I worry about the camp too. I was there already, about to QUIT. I really don't quit on anything.
I thought of it as a burden. As HELL. I forgot why I was doing this. I forgot my goal. I forgot the reasons.

And then the weekend came. Still worrying and bothered. I was given the task to do the talk about "HOW TO BE A FACILITATOR". Being a Faci is crucial on the Youth Camp because you're the one to listen to the participants worries, concerns and help them to be guided to HIM. As I give the talk, it was like God using me to talk to myself. Yes, I gave the talk with all the worries worrying me on my head. I just went on with the guidelines, tried to explain every thing well. As I realize to myself, "natatamaan na ako". I was being a hypocrite. And one thing that HE hates most is hypocrites...

If there is one thing that I learned from that weekend it's that PRAYERS are powerful. WORDS are powerful. WORDS of AFFIRMATION. After the camp, as I read the messages they gave to me, I didn't really believe that I can be that influence to others. I was looking down on myself that I didn't realize that I can help... That I was helping. That weekend gave me the strength to SMILE again, without hiding anything. That weekend gave me the answer to what I can give to people.



And you are too.

But I need help... We need prayers. I want to be strong, again. I know that I can fall ,be weak, slip and try to let go again. I don't know what will happen the next days. I'm nervous. This is another chapter on my life and my family. So please be there. Please be with me. And I sure do appreciate it with my whole heart.

Like my Dad said "It's not always that we're here at the bottom. Remember the people helping you, and repay them when you have the chance."

I'm shy on asking things, but I'm not on giving back. And I promise you and I hope soon, I'll give back.


Project Re-Earth

You survived a war or natural disaster that wipes out a significant percentage of the earth's population. The destruction was immense. If you were to make a decision for your co-survivors and yourself, give the things (aspects, etc.) that you would re-establish and develop first to make life sustainable again.

Setting is like the post-apocalyptic scene of the Book of Eli. If I where to survive on that era I would invest my time on...

  1. Medicines and cures. After experiencing apocalypse and surviving it. There can be a high chance of new sickness to be discovered! And we must be ready and prepared. New researches can be done within the area if there are doctors or scientists that have survived.
  2. Education. Based on the movie Book of Eli, most of the people don't know how to read or remember what the world was. And then there is this guy that suddenly takes over a town because he has knowledge. I think education is important to that people can still learn and have something to bring with them.
  3. Structures. A good shelter to sleep on can do. We don't really know what the environment will be. Or how the climate will be affected. Shelters to stay on for protection can be a priority.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Video Of The Week : Monster by Paramore

Oh nose! I forgot to post yesterday the video of the week!

Anyways, I already know this song since it was released. But when the video has been released, I just got excited and been listening to this everyday! There is something in this song that keeps me motivated! I wish I have my guitar so I can play this!

It doesn't look that this group changed. They're still the same. :) And I give the credit to them! To all the issues they faced this past months, since some of its members left.

Still a solid Parawhore! And I'll support Paramore till the end!

Monster is an OST of the latest Transformers film though I didn't hear it in the movie.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I am! :)

Photos via Tumblr


Friday, July 22, 2011

Personal Blog

I'll be blogging what happened to my week on Sunday. Was about to write this past days. The words are there but I can't seem to type it. This week has been stressful (and still)! Hell week but no exams! Hahaha! How's that for a change.

It All Ends...

I've always been thinking how I want to die. I don't want to experience long term pains like sickness (cancer), being shot by a gun then I would be still alive. I want instant death, not waking up types of deaths. But I haven't thought of how the world would end for me... I hope the world would end with a big bang! The core of the Earth heating up and explode by .1 sec then everything is gone. We won't even feel the pain. We won't even feel hurt.

But as far as what it is happening now, the dramatic change of temperature around the world cause by Global Warming is I think a global concern for how things will end. Unpredictable weathers like storms, and hurricanes because of the effects. Here already in the Philippines we're experiencing small tornadoes that usually aren't seen on tropical countries. The increase of temperature also. We were all affected by the scorching heat of the sun last summer and some really didn't enjoyed much.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy 2nd birthday to my blogspot!

Two years of blogging! Expect more pure random post!

Minoan Pottery : Kamares Ware

  • Kamares Ware was named for finds in the cave sanctuary at Kamares on Mt. Ida in 1890.
  • Style of painted pottery associated with the palace culture that flourished on Crete during the Middle Minoan period (c. 2100–c. 1550 bc).
  • Designs are repetitive or sometimes free-floating, but always symmetrically composed. Themes from nature begin here with octopuses, shellfish, lilies, crocuses and palm-trees, all highly stylized. Shapes were more delicate. One variety features extravagantly thin bodies and is called Eggshell Ware.
  • Painted in white and tones of red, orange, and yellow on black grounds.


Kamáres ware. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2011) In Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Mulder-Slater. (2011) In KinderArt. Retrieved from


Monday, July 18, 2011

Video of the Week: Ryan VS Ryan

The ultimate battle between the Daggerboii!

Split Second Crew's very own Ryan Termoso (Follow him on twitter @ryandaggerboii)

Directed and Concept: Dann Mark Del Mundo and Edward Rustria
Edited: Dann Mark Del Mundo
Choreographed: Ryan Termoso
Location: San Jose Village, Ph6

I always wanted to be on a video like this. I'm trying my best to choreograph some songs and put it into video. But I think I still don't have the guts to put a solo on video.

Enjoy the video!

Follow us up on twitter

Ramon Agbisit
Split Second Crew
Ryan Termoso
Edward Rustria
Dann Mark Del Mundo

and like our page at Facebook type in "Split Second Crew"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Leggo Skechers! End the day with Ignite! 7-14-11

As I start my first full school year at DLSC, I'm looking forward to the one of the events Lucid Dance Troupe will enter. And that is... Skechers Street Dance Battle 7! With that Lucid is already making its preparations. Last Thursday, we had our auditions to be part of the competing team of Lucid!

Judges were the past performers from the last Skechers Lucid entered. As for us we have to audition with these, Power by Kanye West (Choreographed by Benedict), our own 16+ counts choreography of Where Dem Girls At by David Guetta and a random freestyle.

I think I did great. But I'm not expecting, just keeping my hopes high! They'll post the results soon!

I hope I can represent! ;)

The auditions started 6pm and ended 7pm.

After that, the college department celebrated the 9 year foundation day of DLSC with IGNITE

Bonfire, story telling about what was DSLC before it was established, performances and the sky lantern ceremony (too bad I left already :(( )


One Mission Park

Ze bonfire

Lantern flying!

Photos by Keisha Garcia


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Japan's EARless Rabbit! Because of radiation??? Mutation??? :O

From: Muessig (2011)

It's no Godzilla, but an earless rabbit allegedly born near Japan's severely-damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant has become the latest poster child for the side-effects of radiation exposure...

Though the longterm environmental effects remain unclear, there's no denying that the radiation emitting from Fukushima Dai-ichi, about 140 miles northeast of Tokyo, poses a major health risk.

However it's hard to say whether this earless bunny's strange appearance can be blamed on radiation, according to F. Ward Whicker, professor emeritus at Colorado State University's Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences.

"Yes, radiation can cause mutations that can be occasionally expressed as obvious birth defects, such as shown in the video(above)," Whicker wrote in an e-mail. "However, to say this is the result of contamination from the Fukushima accident is a stretch, because natural radiation, as well as many other chemical substances in the environment and other factors, can also be mutagenic."...

But nuclear historian Richard Rhodes says a link between the earless rabbit and radiation "is highly unlikely."

The evidence, Rhodes says, can be found in research conducted in the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

"In the years after World War II, there was a major American commission that looked into the health ramifications of the atomic bombings, and it found no genetic changes in the populations of Hiroshima or Nagasaki," said Rhodes, who has written extensively on the bombings. "There were no birth defects attributed to the bombing, and no genetic consequences."

I'm sorry for citing almost all of the article. We all know what happened to Fukushima Dai-chi, the radiation leak that happened to the nuclear power plant. And we can't take the idea of this not having an effect to the location where the rabbit was discovered. But also the situation from the World War II, it also makes sense. While I was searching and discovered this, I freaked out! Funny, but what if they studied this carefully and discover that it was the cause of the radiation nearby? Amusing yet scary.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are you living a good life?

According to, good life is a term for the life that one would like to live, or for happiness.

Am I having a good life? I guess so, yes. I'm eating 3 times a day. I go to a good school. We have a house to live in. My family is still complete. But somehow I feel that something is missing. I'm having a hard time appreciating because of the situation we're facing now.

Plato's criticism of art.

For Plato, the artist was a dull fellow, simply holding a mirror to nature, imitating it without purpose or thought. (2000)

No, I don't agree with Plato. Art is something we do to express ourselves and if it is something that is without a purpose it's like expressing yourself to something empty. I don't see it that way. What we do is something we represent ourselves. And what Plato is doing represents himself. Maybe what he is doing isn't how art should be. I think that art before isn't appreciated much that's why he thought of that. But as we look now to the present time, you can't just say those. Like in photography one of the most taken shoots are nature. And if photography is art, then taking photos of nature is meaningless? No purpose? I believe that nature is art. We can see God's artistic personality through nature. So I strongly disagree with Plato.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Video of the Week: Live Free

Enjoy every moment of your life.

-Andrew Baterina

Live Free by Andrew Baterina (@andrewbaterina)

I really like how the video was made. After a long time of not uploading from the last video. The wait was worth it! It's really hard to make a video like this! Quality video like this! I liked the concept and the editing! Made me really motivated to do some filming or something similar to this.

I'm a fan of SoReal Cru since their season of ABDC 2. At that time we're still establishing as a crew and had SoReal as one of our inspiration. So that's where we discovered the dancers behind the crew and eventually was inspired by one of them Andrew Baterina! Wooohhh! And they're back! I hope they'll upload their video soon! I miss SoReal Cru!

They're my ABDC Season 2 Champs!

So to all SoReal fans out there. The REAL is BACK!

Enjoy the video!



18 and legal! 7-9-11

Pau's debut celebration!

First time to participate on an 18 roses. I don't know why but I really got nervous! HAHAHA!

Really enjoyed the night and food! Thank you again! And my wish for you? GOOD HEALTH! =)))

Laughed the night of at the after party. Cata on the hot seat (more like hot floor cos he was laying there) and Consul as the host!

Why does alcohol have to do with these? LOL!

With the Debutante

18 Roses


Worlds of our own

Photos by Keisha Garcia


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love is about sacrifices. Love meant that you care for another person’s happiness than your own. No matter how painful the choices you face might be.

In disarray

A photo can represent many things.

As for this one, this photo quite express so many things of what is happening to me right now.

Sadness...Lost...Hurt...Self Pity...

For the past days I'm having some time with myself. I've been somewhere to understand myself of what is it that I've done to make someone angry to me like that. And this really tested my patients. People know me to be stubborn and hot headed but I try my best to change my attitude to be patient. And so far, I'm trying my best to be.

But I came to me, slowly the situation is sinking in... Though I won't give up!

Patients, Ramon.

Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.

Photo by Ryan Termoso


Monday, July 4, 2011

Video of the Week: Strangers, again

Every relationship goes through stages. Where and how each stage develops is ultimately up to each person. While we always hope for the best, we often can't avoid the inevitable.

Josh and Marissa are at a crossroads and their future is uncertain. Josh guides us through each stage of the relationship as it formed and as he predicts it will end up as.

One of my favorite YouTube movies.
"As the relationship went on from one stage from the other. The path that started to be so innocent and fun has taken us to... this."

Subscribe to them :



Color Burst

The design of my color wheel came from the Gundam Destiny's wings (picture bellow)

My Gundam theme alternate color names!

Red: Savior
Blue: Abyss
Yellow: Akatsuki
Violet: Infinite
Green: Gaia
Orange: Chaos
Yellow Green: Aegis
Blue Green: Forbidden
Blue Violet: Freedom
Red Violet: Destiny
Yellow Orange: Legend
Red Orange: Providence


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dress to Impress! 7-1-11

Yesterday, I experienced my first photo shoot! It was one of Tripod Society's activity this term and I just can't miss it! Thanks to Rom, Migz and Fourth for letting me use their SLR! Learned a lot from the Seniors!

Thanks to:

Location: South Forbes Villas (Thank you Ate Gracey)
Hair & Make Up: Justine Barbara (Paseo de Sta. Rosa)
Organizer: Renz Jaberina
Fog Machine: Migz Dindore

Here are some of my shots (Thank you models) ! Feel free to leave your comments/criticism/insights! :)

Janna Leonor

Lois Santos

Jumbell Pomento and Angela Almendrala (R-L)

Belle Banton and Cheska Nacional

Ahn Gotidoc

Looking forward for next photo shoot!