Friday, April 30, 2010


The best part in falling in love is when you already know from the start that it won't work. But still, you went for it. And now, you are completely happy. :)

Best movie of the decade.

While I was browsing Time magazine's web page at,
I saw best movies of the decade. And Wall-E was there. I've been really curious with the movie ever since then and I just don't have the time to watch it. I thought it would be just a LAME movie but I gave it a try.

And it was not LAME, it was actually very good! The story was great, Wall-E and EVE makes a very good couple. :"> Even though there were no much lines being thrown by the characters you would understand the story easily.

I recommend this movie, really. A MUST WATCH!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

It was raining, and I was asleep.

I slept around 3pm because my head was aching. It was already cloudy and I thought it would rain. And it did, it rained hard, there was thunder and all. Then I've been waking up in the middle of that sleep. Finally I woke up around 8, then ate dinner. My head still aches. Its hot here inside the house though its cold outside, there is no wind. :|

I miss you so much now, I want to see you and to be with you.

Good Morning.

I thought I would be sleeping well last night. I was thinking of her smile, remembering her voice each time she's telling me that she loves me and refreshing memories that made me miss her more. :)

but then.

Didn't sleep well, nightmares were eating me so almost the whole night I was awake. O.o

I wished that she was there to hug me tight. >:D<

Gonna sleep this later afternoon, hoping it will be not that HOT.

Woke up early (really hated waking up early but to discipline and not to get used to waking up late for college) after some morning routines me and my dad pulled off and cut grass at our backyard, never been that sweaty since training days. hehe. Then swept the floor.

Now I'm waiting for breakfast, hotdogs and adobo for lunch!

Currently downloading B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray. Good thing there is torrents. hehe. Overnight stay tomorrow at Doms' place with Dann and Ish.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aw. *hug*

Nakita kita sa isang litrato. Shoot! bigla kitang naalala. Namiss tuloy kita.. Bigla.. Ng sobra...

Sa bawat oras na hindi tayo magkasama, nararamadaman ko sa sarili ko na hinahanap hanap kita. Ang iyong halik, kung paano mo ako yakapin, ang pag hawak mo ng aking kamay. Miss na miss na kitaaaaaaaa.

Gusto na kitang makasama ulit, mayakap. Kahit kahapon magkasama lang tayo. hehe. Eh sa ayoko na mawalay sayo, pero alam naman nating hindi pa ngayon. Sa bawat oras na matutulog na ako, ikaw ang iniisip. Hindi tuloy ako agad makatulog. Iniisip ko lahat ng mga ngyari na satin, masasayang oras at yung mga oras din na medyo hindi tayo nagkakasundo. :P

Mahal na mahal kita, Oo. Nasasabi ko na sa kanya yan ngayon. Lagi. :p at sana pang habang buhay. :)

And we just can't help not to ask, why?

I'm trying my best to understand why is life like this? God is just too smart and wise that He's just letting us to put everything to Him. And still I tend to ask, why?

Today something happened that made our family so scared and after the incident made us strong.

Even though, we got scared. I GOT SCARED. and still asks, why?

Yes, I said in my other blog entry is TRUST, but then again. Why?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests.

The risky behaviors were: smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily


I usually go to to find interesting topic shown on their home page. And I found this.
I think it is okay to drink, just not too much and I think smoking must be included here. Realized that I must eat those veggies and fruits!

No expectation. No disappointment.

Not all we desire.

Dad taught me on how to cook rice, since I don't know how. Many rice got stuck at the side. Well there is always a 1st time for everything. hehe.

I saw this picture and struck me. Got it from

This is so true, maybe we don't get what we really desire or the things what we want. BUT God has better plans for us. I have questioned Him so many times, and I know its hard to understand things in life. But we just need trust Him.

Trust. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010


So I got curious with one on my friend's status (Pau) in YM, here how it goes. "Nakakatawa ang Facebook pag naka-leet speak!" I asked her what is this LEET SPEAK. Then she instructed me to change my facebook language to LEET SPEAK. And so I went to Account Setting>>Language>>Leet speak and guess what showed up? THIS!

I suddenly jumped off my chair and said, WTF?! xD

Its really funny though, facebook came up with the JEJEMON idea language and called it in a nice term... LEET SPEAK. :))

And then, I posted this on my plurk.
"Ramon hates Facebook in Leet Speak. xD"

a friend (Mike Garcia) replied and said,
"wag ganyan...iba ang origin ng leet originates from computer geeks as antihack and encrypting. professional ang purpose nun.
ung sa j3j3 naman ay for convenience ng mga putang ina nila..akala nila maganda at madali..."

So i felt embarrassed, I was wrong. It was really not taken from JEJEMONs. :)) You rock LEET SPEAKERS!

F jejemons! XD

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Meditation, Appreciation and the Law of Attraction

Meditation has become well known in North America over the last few years. There are different styles of meditation, all with basically the same goal, to bring calmness to the body.

Why do you want to do this? Because most people spend a great deal of their time in negative thought, worrying about things or feeling overwhelmed, disappointed, angry or afraid. And most people think that they have no control over these thoughts. They believe that their thoughts “think themselves.” What is really TRUE is that we DO have control over our thoughts and most of us are just “sloppy thinkers.” We have become so practiced at thinking whatever comes forth, we do not realize that we actually have the POWER TO FOCUS or guide our own thoughts.

How do I know this? Well we just have to turn our television on and see what is being watched day in and day out. The news, for example, is almost always negative, giving us the impression that we are in a very bad place as a world. And the truth is the news is NOT ACCURATE. It always portrays in inaccurate amount of negative things happening. In fact, what IS TRUE is that there are way more wonderful things happening than negative things. The well-being of our planet is abundant.

Thus, the practice of mediation has become popular in order to bring calmness forth. Being calm and feeling good is our natural state of well-being. At our core, we are calm and happy beings and most of us are out of balance. When we mediate, we get back in touch with our core.

It makes sense that a practice such as meditation would come forth because it is our natural state to move towards that which feels good. Mediation feels much better than these negative thoughts and emotions that we have.

Now, I propose that an even higher state of well-being is being in a state of appreciation. When we are appreciating the things in our lives that we love, we are in the highest state of wellness. Appreciation is right up there with happiness and love and joy, in terms of emotional well-being. Appreciation is actually a higher state of well-being than is mediation.

Now how does the Law of Attraction come into play? Well, when we understand that our thoughts and emotions are bringing our reality towards us each and every day, then we can truly decide to become DELIBERATE CREATORS. In other words we can create the reality that we truly want.

For many it is hard to imagine that we can BE, DO or HAVE anything that we want. This is the truth. For example, if we want to be a millionaire and we focus consistently on how wonderful this will be when we are a millionaire, the law of attraction will respond in kind by bringing us those people and experiences that will attract this kind of wealth.

If we are unhealthy and we want to be healthy, our work is to focus our thoughts on seeing ourselves as healthy and then feel how great it will be to be healthy. And guess what, the law of attraction will respond in kind by bringing us towards the health that we seek. Health is our natural state.

If we want a beautiful new lover, our work again is to focus on how wonderful this will feel to have this person in our lives and how much fun we are going to have. And the law of attraction responds in kind to bring us this person that we are seeking.

Now it was my experience a while ago, that I was so practiced at worrying or feeling overwhelmed, that I spent a great deal of time experiencing things that were the emotional equivalent of this. When I learned about and truly understood about the Law of attraction, I became determined to be a deliberate creator. Now that I knew that I created my own reality, I knew that I wanted it to be wonderful.

It has taken me a while to truly move my whole vibration or emotional level into a higher feeling place so that the beautiful life I am seeking can come forth.

It is the most empowering thing to know that we have the power to create. We are creators, each of us and we have all come forth to create.

I have an appreciation practice that I do each day, where I either write down all the things that I appreciate or I sit quietly and think of what I am appreciating on any given day. This practice not only keeps me emotionally tuned in to feeling great, it also brings to me all those things that I have asked for that will bring me the happiness and well-being that I seek.

Imagine a world of powerful deliberate creators all having a magnificent life experience. That is the world that I focus on each day.



What is our purpose in life? What is our goal in life?

The ultimate goal for us humans here on earth is to be in heaven, to be with God. Everything here in this world is temporary. Everything, when we die, we can't bring it to wherever we are going.

What we CAN bring is the good things that we have done in this earth. God might ask us, "What have you done to make earth a better place? What have you done good?"

We are stewards of the Lord, everything here in this world is NOT really ours, but His. We must protect what we have now and save it. Example is nature. Humans tends to destroy nature for its own use. And now, we have Global Warming, climate change, etc. Because God is warning us that this is not right anymore, that we are almost at our limits. If we continue to do this, the earth might really give up on us already.

I learned to appreciate life more, and keep on learning it. I'm human. I make mistakes. But we continue to grow with this mistakes, and with this we become a better person.

For the past months that I'm doubting and struggling of the things happening in my life, there were people sent by God for me not to let go to Him. These were my family and friends. I was down and lost, but with them I learned to hold on and to hold on tighter.

Now, I'm yet to face another challenge in my life. And that is being a college freshmen. The real world is waiting for me, new people, new place, new everything. Oh yes, I'm scared. Really scared. I'm scared to meet new people, I'm scared of the places I'll be in. I'm new to everything there. But then again, why? If I know, there are people believing in me that I can do all this and will NEVER leave me.

I just wish that I can bring back lost time, but no. We can't rewind when the clock ticks. So do everything to the fullest.


Do one act of random kindness a day.

Just finished our prayer session with our dad. Todays topic was taken from the movie "PAY IT FORWARD".

It was a story of a boy who was challenged by their social studies teacher on how they can change the world. He's idea was paying forward. Usually, when we help people we tend to pay them back. What he did was, he payed forward, he do something good, extra ordinary to other people.

For something to work, you must wait. And change is about waiting. To change the world, first you must change yourself and upon doing that you must do this "paying forward" in your house. How could you change something so big if you can't change for the small ones?

Do one act of random kindness a day. Do simple duties extra ordinarily well, like what St. John Bosco said.

And as you do that, there will be a chain. Maybe they will realize what you're doing to them that they might actually do the same to others and so on... Isn't that nice?

I'm a very impatient person and I want things to be quick. But if you really want to do something and see its have to wait.

Good Night, God Bless!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thoughts to ponder on.

For the past days I was thinking, when is the time to let go? On something, or someone.

I was really devastated to know a friend of mine was left behind of the one he loved. I just wish I could do something. I know exactly how he feels.

Somehow, I felt scared. What if it will happen to me? What if she'll leave me? And I really don't want that to happen.

So I personally messaged her at YM and asked her to promise me, if she'll find someone better than me, she would tell me. But her I got a different answer, and somehow made me smile. She said, " I wont make a promise, because I won't do it. And it will never and it's impossible." I just said, "alright. :* "

I felt so lucky and so blessed that I have her.

She even had a surprise that I didn't expect, she brought me to Enchanted Kingdom last Thursday. First, the thought of being there didn't sank into my mind. Then our 1st ride was "The Space Shuttle" (a roller coaster ride). And yes, somehow I realize that we're there. I enjoy and LOVE every time that I'm with her. I'm already happy just being with her, seeing her smile, feeling her touch. This feeling is just, WOW. :)

Whew. Blog entry for ages. :) till next time.