Sunday, April 25, 2010

Meditation, Appreciation and the Law of Attraction

Meditation has become well known in North America over the last few years. There are different styles of meditation, all with basically the same goal, to bring calmness to the body.

Why do you want to do this? Because most people spend a great deal of their time in negative thought, worrying about things or feeling overwhelmed, disappointed, angry or afraid. And most people think that they have no control over these thoughts. They believe that their thoughts “think themselves.” What is really TRUE is that we DO have control over our thoughts and most of us are just “sloppy thinkers.” We have become so practiced at thinking whatever comes forth, we do not realize that we actually have the POWER TO FOCUS or guide our own thoughts.

How do I know this? Well we just have to turn our television on and see what is being watched day in and day out. The news, for example, is almost always negative, giving us the impression that we are in a very bad place as a world. And the truth is the news is NOT ACCURATE. It always portrays in inaccurate amount of negative things happening. In fact, what IS TRUE is that there are way more wonderful things happening than negative things. The well-being of our planet is abundant.

Thus, the practice of mediation has become popular in order to bring calmness forth. Being calm and feeling good is our natural state of well-being. At our core, we are calm and happy beings and most of us are out of balance. When we mediate, we get back in touch with our core.

It makes sense that a practice such as meditation would come forth because it is our natural state to move towards that which feels good. Mediation feels much better than these negative thoughts and emotions that we have.

Now, I propose that an even higher state of well-being is being in a state of appreciation. When we are appreciating the things in our lives that we love, we are in the highest state of wellness. Appreciation is right up there with happiness and love and joy, in terms of emotional well-being. Appreciation is actually a higher state of well-being than is mediation.

Now how does the Law of Attraction come into play? Well, when we understand that our thoughts and emotions are bringing our reality towards us each and every day, then we can truly decide to become DELIBERATE CREATORS. In other words we can create the reality that we truly want.

For many it is hard to imagine that we can BE, DO or HAVE anything that we want. This is the truth. For example, if we want to be a millionaire and we focus consistently on how wonderful this will be when we are a millionaire, the law of attraction will respond in kind by bringing us those people and experiences that will attract this kind of wealth.

If we are unhealthy and we want to be healthy, our work is to focus our thoughts on seeing ourselves as healthy and then feel how great it will be to be healthy. And guess what, the law of attraction will respond in kind by bringing us towards the health that we seek. Health is our natural state.

If we want a beautiful new lover, our work again is to focus on how wonderful this will feel to have this person in our lives and how much fun we are going to have. And the law of attraction responds in kind to bring us this person that we are seeking.

Now it was my experience a while ago, that I was so practiced at worrying or feeling overwhelmed, that I spent a great deal of time experiencing things that were the emotional equivalent of this. When I learned about and truly understood about the Law of attraction, I became determined to be a deliberate creator. Now that I knew that I created my own reality, I knew that I wanted it to be wonderful.

It has taken me a while to truly move my whole vibration or emotional level into a higher feeling place so that the beautiful life I am seeking can come forth.

It is the most empowering thing to know that we have the power to create. We are creators, each of us and we have all come forth to create.

I have an appreciation practice that I do each day, where I either write down all the things that I appreciate or I sit quietly and think of what I am appreciating on any given day. This practice not only keeps me emotionally tuned in to feeling great, it also brings to me all those things that I have asked for that will bring me the happiness and well-being that I seek.

Imagine a world of powerful deliberate creators all having a magnificent life experience. That is the world that I focus on each day.


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