Sunday, April 25, 2010

Do one act of random kindness a day.

Just finished our prayer session with our dad. Todays topic was taken from the movie "PAY IT FORWARD".

It was a story of a boy who was challenged by their social studies teacher on how they can change the world. He's idea was paying forward. Usually, when we help people we tend to pay them back. What he did was, he payed forward, he do something good, extra ordinary to other people.

For something to work, you must wait. And change is about waiting. To change the world, first you must change yourself and upon doing that you must do this "paying forward" in your house. How could you change something so big if you can't change for the small ones?

Do one act of random kindness a day. Do simple duties extra ordinarily well, like what St. John Bosco said.

And as you do that, there will be a chain. Maybe they will realize what you're doing to them that they might actually do the same to others and so on... Isn't that nice?

I'm a very impatient person and I want things to be quick. But if you really want to do something and see its have to wait.

Good Night, God Bless!

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