Saturday, December 15, 2012

Beating Monday's deadline!

I have 4 final projects that are due Monday.

  •  3D Anmimation: 30 seconds Environmental Advocacy Commercial
  • JPRIZAL: Position paper, is Rizal worthy to be our National Hero
  • Media Management: Final Inquiry Paper
  • Physics - Lecture : Written finals on Vector, Projectile, Forces and Energy

2:33 am

I am doing my Media Management paper while waiting for our animation to finish rendering. Multi-tasking till 4am. Good thing I had a good power nap from 3pm - 8pm. Hope I can pull everything off! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Back track.

As I randomly click links while browsing my blog. 

I came across the days when we were about to perform at Kultura Verde and at the same time our newly recruited "babies"/trainees at Lucid Dance Troupe will be performing at the acquaintance party. I just remembered when the days before were so hectic.

We're practicing two groups, practice at the same time for 2 different events. Although the freshmen's numbers before were 15+ and can create a whole routine that is similar to the routine that we were about to perform. Unlike what we experienced at Skechers where from that 15+ freshmen only a handful remains. This event is one for the keeps. Everyone were enjoying. Everyone's excited to get back on stage and give it all our best knowing that we're part of the Centennial Closing Ceremony.

When I though that we can retain that number to be active members. There I was thinking about the future for Lucid. But I'm not saying that we won't have something to look forward to. Whatever thought I was thinking for the group before and to with the experiences that I encountered until now, I can say there is something really to look forward to. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Journey to Skechers Street Dance Battle 8! Part 1: The Beginning.

The road to Skechers Street Dance Battle 8 for Lucid Dance Troupe was not easy, especially for me (If you were reading some of my past blog posts). 

Dating back to last term where we were still in search for our competing team. I had my own problems, as a son, a student, a dancer and the president of the group. I went from someone who was hyped up and really excited to lead, to someone who's indecisive. I felt that I lost my passion for dancing with all the school works, the pressure on me and the fatigue was catching up on me. I was feeling sick. In 1 week, I had 2 check ups in the hospital, got a massage from a "managhihilot" and drank all sorts of medicines. I was weak, physically and mentally. I felt that I was the only one moving in the group. I felt that I was alone. 

So to Ate Marianne I go! The Ate of the group and consider my older sis. ;)

She's been here. She was our former president. Somehow in her journey, she felt what I was feeling but she didn't quit. Stayed strong especially to the group she loves the most. I'm very thankful to all the seniors especially her for her undying support even though she's on her internship. (But more on that later :D ) 

One rainy day (first term) when heavy rains were pouring and classes were suspended, me and my friends went to school to help in repacking dry goods to be donated. Ms. Jaymee was there and we had a little talk. I told her because of the sudden suspension of classes and trainings canceled that we were lacking time for our preparations. Our target date was September 22 - Kick-Off (before we knew that all the HS Leg will be on the 22th and we will be on the last day of eliminations, October 13).

With all that said, she replied "Your call Mr. President." 

Yes, it was still my call. One wrong decision and I might have ended my members dream to compete in one of the most competitive competition in the country. That pride to represent the school. I know how it feels to compete and give your all. The trust and that confidence that Ms. Jaymee has given me because she believed in my potential. I just have to push through the competitions...but not for me, still.

For the first time in Lucid Dance Troupe that we have members auditioning for spots to compete. In my past experiences, we just got dancers who are available to compete. This is a new experience for us, particularly on how we'll handle this situation. 

I didn't hide what I felt, especially to the group. I said, while I was watching their audition pieces I was searching for something. Searching that passion and drive from my members for me to compete and stay strong. I didn't think that they didn't do a great job, but thought that they improved so much that I was lacking the determination to improve also. I was about to not to join the competition because in myself I'm having second thoughts and I felt that I was weak. The audition went trough. I had my name written with all the doubts and was hoping everything goes well.

1) Agbisit, Ramon Emmanuel
2) Albano, Katherine Rose
3) Cortez, Hannah Alayssa
4) Galang, Dominique
5) Garica, Keisha Erika
6) Lazarte, Kurt
7) Macandog, Fianne Miguel
8) Magsaysay, Marian
9) Ortega, Mary Angela
10) Ramos, Nikka Elia Kim
11) Santos, Alexandra
12) Santos, Jhustine Lois

Four (4) freshmen, five (5) sophomores and three (3) juniors (senior members) were selected about to make Lucid Dance Troupe's Skechers Team. It was one of the most difficult decisions I had to make. There were a lot of improved members and it was hard enough to choose. 

With all the doubts in my mind that time, who would have thought in a month of straight trainings and adversaries of each and everyone in the group that we could come up to something like this.

One of our last full routine training before the competition. Photo (c) Marianne Sigue

Thanks to Dom Galang, that we had a great choreographer who wasn't just there to teach us but was also our Kuya who stood up and gave us encouragement when every one was feeling down because of the strong competition.
Coach/Choreographer/Kuya Mav Simangin
I'm thankful also to my members, namely Lisa, Margie, Igi, Jhomar and Maria who still went to training's and didn't leave the group despite the times when I can't focus on you guys.

To be continued...

Photos c/o Lois, Marianne


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Computer Art Exhibit.

Our Computer Art or COMPART class had an exhibit last August 28, 2012.

The exhibit featured computer generated art works like video productions, photo manipulation, music, installation art works and so on. Each student were given themes to work on :

  • Justice/Balance 
  • Love/Passion 
  • Chaos/Change 
  • Sorrow/Pain 
  • Fantasy/Fiction

Here are some of my works. Mostly my works were videos.

Some of my classmates art work!

Every one really putting their effort on their art works.


Starting out 2nd term.

With all the stressful days gone for the first term eventually I passed all my subjects (if not all) with good grades! Although my grades didn't get the cut off for Dean's list this term, at least I know that I gave my effort to all my work. I could have done better but that's just how it is.

I'm glad that I didn't failed any course. My Economics class gave me a flat 1 which caused and dragged my grades down for me not to be able to be a Dean's list. Now that the 1st term is over, I could focus more now with my organization as we compete for Skechers 8.

But before the training marathon started. CSA Office with La Sallian Missions Office gave us a once in a life time experience to have an immersion with a barangay at Lemery, Batangas. This is an eye opener for some because it's not the usual get to know the community with the structure type of outreach but more on how you will know the community more intimate. We were luck to get to know one of the oldest citizen of the sitio, Mang Romy. He was there for 40 years now and he's shared the simple life living there and the struggles that they have faced as a community.

We also planted Mangrove seedlings. This kind of exposures doesn't come often. It was a great opportunity to experience something like this and a way to spend a short term break before classes start again.

I'm thankful I was part of this activity. Even though we don't have the finances but still God provided and things eventually came accordingly.

Photos C/O Ms. Malet


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

After a month.

A lot has happened for the past month. Over all, it was a really good month since my last blog. Things went fine. I'm happy with who I am with. I'm happy with how things are going. I'm just happy with what I have right now. Some happenings were unexpected but all went well. :)

School work is stress. I don't know if I want to have written exams or practical exams. Most of my finals requirements are productions, research papers, ads. Cramming as usual but when I cram I'm more productive than my "productive" state. Meheheh.

Our PERFLIT class will be having a play this August 22. Most of the time we have rehearsals during night and the same time with my Lucid training. So for the past weeks I wasn't able to attend trainings.

Napapabayaan ko na ata ang org ko.

Skechers Street Dance Battle 8 is near. September 22 is the kick off and first elimination day. I'm getting nervous. As much as I want to give my all, the resources and schedule for this term really sucks. I think we just have a month + weeks to prepare and gahd I hope we can pull this one off. I don't want to get embarrassed in front of many people especially we're bringing the name of the school with us. I don't want to let people down.

We don't have classes again today. Last week, we had a long weekend because of class suspensions.

Will make the most out of this break.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Risk. Decision. No regrets.

Tough week it is. Midterm exam week, yup. We're already half the term and it's so fast! 7 more weeks then it's our finals already. A lot of practical exams to be pass on the last week plus training, I'm getting wasted! I just want to sleep all day without thinking about anything.

I don't know what's up with me but I'm getting too lazy on doing anything. I still have a report coming up next week, haven't started doing my research paper, a video production due next weekend, an art gallery that I have a video, music cover and photo shoot, plus theater practices for our performance literature class. ALL IN 7 WEEKS!

And issues/matters coming up that I don't even want to --- no, that I mustn't even think or bother but I have no choice. I just can't ignore it and it will eat me.

There so many things to do and 24hrs is too short.

But what am I doing now? Blogging instead of doing my research. Looking at the NBA for players movement this offseason. Waiting for Don Allado's sanction to the PBA. If you could just hear me and my friend talking about PBA/NBA stuff we're like sports analysts.

But I really did review for my exam today. Tomorrow I still have a midterm exam, COMVALE then dance workshop in the afternoon.

Get yourself back together Ramon! Can't mess up this term! You have to prove things, remember? You're an achiever, 10 months bro! Do your best!

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
Status of a friend.

It was you who I though of first. If this decision to what ever response you will give me, I hope everything will be alright. I have to risk it coz if I don't then I'll regret not saying it to you tho I maybe still need time to think about things.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday ( June 26) Quiz day for MICECON (Micro Economics). I don't even know hope I've answered that quiz. Haha! Economics isn't really my thing but I think I did well with that quiz. Next class was VIDPROD (Video Production), looking forward for that class coz that's what I want to do, video angels, shots, concepts, analyzing video. Training with Lucid in the evening. Jogged through the campus, bunny hops going down and up the stairs, then Insanity workout c/o Neo! 40min non-stop workout! Everyone was dying. Hahaha! But no pain, no gain guys. We have to get strong for the 2nd term! I don't know why but the security guards is always angry at us. Especially with reservations that I've reserved for a long time already. Tsk. We follow how the system works with the administration but the guards always think that we're playing them. Wednesday (June 27) Script reading for PERFLIT(Performance Literature). It was a good run for the first time. I can't remember what happened much that time. hehe. At COMPART (Computer Art) Audacity and MuseScore was introduced. They're audio editing programs. Worked on our final project. I'm doing 2 videos, 1 song cover and 2 photo shoots. Good luck with that! Training comes! The painnn! More running and stretching!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

If you only knew how much we miss you and still care for you. I hope when the time comes when you realize that all we're saying here is for you to be a better and safe, that your wake up call won't be that harsh for you, but that can't be helped.

What we're doing here is what we think is the best for you. I'm really sad right now. I want to talk to you and tell you that we still really care. That you don't have to distance yourself from us. Hindi ka pabigat at kahit kailan hindi ka naging sakit ng ulo.

I'm not your dad or even your relative for you to listen to. I'm just a friend that is concern.

Monday, June 25, 2012

It's over even before it began.

My day went great for the early part of it.


I met with some of my elementary batch mates today. We weren't complete tho, but catching up with them was really nice. We ate bunch of street food near Raymundo Gate at UP. Isaw, tenga, kwekwek, proben, shakes. First time to eat street food that much in a long time. Can't do that at Manila because you don't know how clean at is there. Went to Aerianne's place to visit her. It was a quick notice, good thing she was home.

Discovered UNLITXT10! One day unlimited for globe to globe subscribers but on specific areas only. My sister said it can't be used at Manila. Hopefully I can still use it when I'm at Sta. Rosa tomorrow!

Went home around 9pm. For the first time, my dad asked me about my love life and was surprised that he knows that me and ... aren't together now. It's been 8 months and I didn't have the courage to tell my parents that. Sucks to be me right? Hehehe. I'm very shy talking to them about stuffs like that. But also for the first time, I opened up with my current situation concerning that "love life".

Now here things got rough.

Later after that I discovered something really bothering. I'm trying to help this person but I think I'm being too much attached. And it hurts when I'm hearing stories being told to us by a friend. It hurts when all we're trying to do is help the kid improve and explain how to be independent and don't rely too much on the people around you (yes, there will be friends who will stick with you but not ALL would stay till the end. ) but I think even though that the kid is listening, you can't take way the close mindedness. I know we're all longing for that attention and love from other people but doing this sorts of things? The depression that the child is experiencing is way too much for her age. Way too much for us either. We're trying to give the best advise as a friend, the guidance of an older sibling and I hope even the slightest chance that we can have an impact to the kid. I can't really tell if there is any. I don't see the kid everyday. We also can't tell much or even scold the kid coz we don't have the right to.
Now I'm stuck in this situation. There's no one to blame. I've put myself into this. I don't know really what I'll do next. There's too much people getting involve and getting hurt. Things will be much easier if it was just me but when was things easy in the first place? God didn't created the world full of roses.

I hope also that I can give this much attention to my own siblings. I don't even know if I'm a good brother to them.

Going back to my talk with my dad. He said that focus on what I have now. Know my priorities especially my organization and academics.

And as much as I want to tell you guys what I told my dad for him to say those words, I'll leave you guys this...

"It's over even before it began."

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Starting the term with a bang!


Photography from Green Media Group and The Lasallian of De La Salle University-Manila.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Windang Week


 June 18 (Monday) 

 I don't have classes on Mondays. It was a good day because I was able to just rest and relax for the whole day. For the past few weeks, it was all about dance and the stress and pressures on our bodies for Cultura Verde. 

 June 19 (Tuesday) 

 Happy birthday, Jose Rizal! No classes! Super long weekend for me! Extended rest day but went back to the Sta. Rosa. Went to Keisha's place with Pau, Shar, Kat and Denz. Chill day before classes starts again. Dorm cleaning in the evening then took some shots of Red Horse later that night. ;) 

 June 20 (Wednesday) 

 PERFLIT class and was game 4 of the Miami-OKC Finals series. Was trying to get updates during class hour, good thing Denz has a laptop. Our script c/o Sir Micko for the class was awesome. It was kinda text heavy, having different scenes from different literature and put it into one script but all having sense. For COMPART class, we were taught how to do vector imaging on Inkscape.

 That awkward moment when this photo has more likes than the original. It was fun cartooning myself. Hahahaha! Had our auditions again for Lucid! 6 new members auditioned. They were the people who signed up during the Recruitment Fair. Tho we have our auditions proper before the Fair. I have high expectations for this batch coz I can see a lot of talent with this kids. I envy them because when I was at their age, wasn't that good at dancing. 

Ate dinner at Big 30 at Paseo c/o Ate Marianne! Happy birthday tooooo youuuuu! 

June 21 (Thursday) 

 Ordinary day at school. I still don't want to go back to the dorm because it's still early and I have nothing to do because we don't have training for Lucid so I went with Tin and Kat to her place to do our RESPREP assignments. Ate dinner at Tin's. Tita's buffalo wings are the best + brown rice and salad! Btw, funny day coz Kat's voice was paos. Hehe 

 June 22 (Friday)

 Overslept! Woke up 8:40am for my 8am class. I didn't hear my alarm on my cellphone. Was really frustrated! Though I still went to class and I think our professor didn't marked me absent for the day. Hehe. Was participating naman e. :) After class, first time this term that I ate at Zaide. Sulit. Went to Keisha's place with Rhozan. At 3pm, had my auditions for Animo Teatro. Serenitea with Kay and Neo. Cool app for iTouch, cartooning again with pictures. Hehe. Patch followed afterwards ate at Hen Lin! Created pick up jokes to anything we see. :) 

Went to Paseo to meet up with Dann and Ryan, had a couple of drinks, funny how Ryan was already tipsy with one bottle of GPS! I remember myself back in the days when even at one San Mig light I go tipsy. Then overnight at Dann's place. 

  Congrats Miami Heat! 2012 NBA Champion! Never lost that faith!

 I miss dancing! 1 week without training feels so long! Though for the next few weeks we're having our training again. Body conditioning, workshops and other preparation for Skechers Dance Competition on the 2nd term. I don't know if people are actually reading my posts but hope you enjoyed reading. :) 


Sunday, June 17, 2012

To the next 100 years!

June 16, 2012

To creating the next great idea! The DLSU-DLSC integration has arrived! Another milestone for the Lasallian community as DLSU shares faith, service and communion for the next 100 years.
Student leaders from DLSC got their hands full as we prepare and wait for the arrival of the motorcade of DLSU-M all the way from Manila.
It was so hot that everyone was bearing the heat while waiting. As the motorcade arrivedeveryone was chanting D-L-S-U ANIMO LA SALLE!

I can officially say that we're
De La Salle University-Science and Technology Complex, Leandro V. Locsin Campus

I'm part of the next great idea!

DLSC's student leaders
With our CSA Director, Miss Jaymee Pantaleon
Dr. Julius Maridable, Chancellor of DLSC giving his opening remarks.
Honored that I met Br. Ricky Laguda FSC in person.
Student Leaders from DLSU-M

Met great people from DLSU. Very humble and appreciative.
To the next 100 years! Animo La Salle!


Lucid on action!

Lucid Dance Troupe at Cultura Verde!

Best performance yet? We can do this!

We walk the road together. One step, one day at a time!

All photos from Regie Hizon


Cultura Verde experience!

The end is just the beginning!
June 15, 2012 marked the centennial closing celebration of the Lasallian presence in the Philippines. Lucid Dance Troupe is fortunate enough to be part of it. We were invited to perform at Cultura Verde, showcase of talents from different La Salle schools all over the country. It's a dream to perform in front of the Lasallian brothers and for the community. It's really a blessing and a great experience! Also, we performed on the new Henry Sy, Sr. Hall, how cool is that?

Lucid Dance Troupe, June 14 for the blocking day.
With Koro Lasalyano of the Integrated School of DLSC, represent!
Sir Brad of CAO of DLSU giving instructions.
Henry Sy Sr. Hall
St. Joseph School La Salle doing their blockings.

With our DLSL friends, Salindayaw Dance Company!
Margie, Alex, Lisa and Mayuki to support LUCID at Bonchon!
Dabarkads, dinner at Bonchon, UMall.

It was really a night to remember. It's not just about performing but also making new friends and strengthening old ones. I'm really grateful to all the Canlubangers who went to DLSU-M to support and watch us. Heard good comments about our performance and I think we can do it this year. Very inspiring because our new members also did a great job in their performance in DLSC. 


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Something special for "Independence Day"

I'm really not a nationalist or patriotic type of person. I saw free flags and why not make something meaningful since it's independence day (june 12) and I have my camera.


Last June 11, 2012 was the start of the recruitment fair of Recognized Student Organizations but will do a different blog post on that.

Hi Ate Marianne! Take a smile! :)
Even Sir Percy wasn't safe from "The Flag"

Keisha workin' out the formation for the routine for our new members.

Kuya Nin just took the flag from me and made his pose,

Really had fun taking random shots with "My Flag". Approaching people I just want to take a photo with the flag. It was also Lucid's training that I was taking shots. Mehehehe.

Please do support our new Lucid members as they perform on DLSUnite : The Integration Kick-Off Party!

Long day today! Will be heading to DLSU-M for blocking adjustments for Kultura Verde on June 15. Jampack events for Lucid! Must get that rest nowww!