Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'd rather be Green!

Minsan lang ang 100 years!

I'm really excited for June 16! 2 more days to go! And La Sallian presence here in the Philippines will mark its 100th year! Awesome right? Few only reaches that feat. I have to tell you, I'm really having fun now at Canlubang. When I joined the Leadership Training last weekend, it was God's perfect time for me to realize that I'm luck to be a Canlubanger! That time it was all sinking in to me. How awesome the school is! I'm blessed that I was able to attend that. How I just wish others would also experience it!

As we celebrate our 100th year, may all La Sallian bear in their hearts that we are ONE LA SALLE. We may have different names, but our goal is one!

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