Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas with the family!

Christmas with the Agbisit's!

Auntie's cooking was really something to look forward to every Christmas. Our cousins coming over for Christmas eve, having a good laugh with jokes are priceless. We're just 5 on my father's side so we're really close you could say. :)

Christmas with the Averion's!

Almost all of my Kuya's and Ate's are married and now have families of their own. Me and my siblings are the youngest so we didn't have that much time to bond with them during their teen days coz we're still babies. But know that they have their own kids and the cutest, we get to play with them instead! :)
Spent 2 days at my Lola's house at Alaminos. Eat, sleep, watch TV. There was no internet connection so no world wide web during the 2 day stay.

Funny because at the end of the day it is still with family that you will find true happiness whatever the circumstances maybe.


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