Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Be safe.

Yesterday, went back here at Los BaƱos to be with family. Was feeling fine the whole day. And suddenly when I was about to sleep, I got sick, fever. Was chilling the whole night, feeling so cold but the fan is already turned off. Then morning came, I'm alright already.

But I hoped I just got sick anyway.


For the past weeks, its been very busy. With school work and all the activities. It's been seldom that we see each other. In the corridors of the school get to say hi's and hello's. And once a week that we get to hang out with each other?

What bothers me is we're on the same school and it feels like we're so far.

Yes. I miss her so much. Every single moment.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Split Second Crew...again!

Last Sunday we were rehearsing for an event (still a secret ;) and for the first time since the Poreotics Mall Tour, we're complete again!

All laughs!

Photos by Ryan Termoso


Desire VS Reality

A blog post from Parky-park

We all want that kind of relationship where we’re always next to each other, giving each other hugs, holding hands, giving each other kisses, and just being in the presence of one another. But instead, we’re all distanced out and simply not giving each other the love that we’ve imagined giving one another. We’re rarely there for each other, giving each other a hard time, not telling each other the truth, and simply just disregarding one’s needs. Along the way, you’re wondering why you’re not talking to each other, or why you guys aren’t together anymore. Well the answer to that is endless, but one main reason is that you weren’t there for each other & they just didn’t want a relationship that was too distanced. Giving your boyfriend or girlfriend the love that you’d want in return is something you should be aiming for. Don’t neglect them, instead be there for them, show them you appreciate them, make them happy, and just show them you still have the same feelings as you did when you first went out. Don’t be with them if you’ve lost feelings for them because in the end, you’ll be hurting them. Just have a relationship based on the truth, not on lies.

Monday, August 22, 2011

David Guison visits DLSC! 8-12-11

Late blog entry

Tripod Society's 1st day of the 2 day workshop held at DLSC. Had the chance to hear a talk by David Guison (Model, Photographer, Art Student and many more!) last August 12 about blogging and photography. Before I was just hearing his name, not a fan really. It's really nice hearing his story on how he started photography from his mobile phone. Hahaha!

Learned a lot from the talk! Since I'm already running a blog, what can I do for my readers (if I have any hahaha) to be more interested in reading. I started one already, a "Video Of The Week" segment. I get to post a video then write my insights to it!

I want to start with this Lookbook thingy but I'm a shirt-jean-slipper type of guy, so I don't think that fashion blogging can suit me. Hahaha! And I don't buy much of branded and stylish clothes. A shirt can do. What will people think of some guy like that to even put himself to it.

Was shocked to know that David buys from ukay's! Really had the room laughing with he's stories.

Even though he already achieved lots of things already he's still grounded and simple. Hope to see him again!

And btw, the boots! :D

David's talk about blogging and photography

Cath and Rom giving the certificate and token :)

Everyone waiting for their turn for a photo op!

Had my chance!

Photos by Rom Jay, David Guison


Video of the Week: Meet Kyle Hanagami

Who can think of dancing to Adele's Rolling in the Deep in Hip Hop? Not contemporary type of dance. But this guy did! And a collaboration too! His choreography is insane lyrical! For me, I don't see myself dancing to Rolling in the Deep but for this guy it's so easy! As you watch the video some of his moves is off beat but still nails it!

If you're different it's not bad. It just means that you have style!

Yup, that's the word. Different! But hey, that's his style and he's dope!


Sunday, August 21, 2011



Last July 22-24, with the help of the Lord we had our Youth Camp! There are the stories for the preparations but good thing it ended up well! Really unexpected outcomes! For me this experience was a catch since before the camp I had my struggles (Read July 22 post) but yea! Had fun!

Even though I had my struggles before this camp. God is good that He still used me to touch lives. I hope that this people got something from the camp. Hehehe! Till next camp YFC DLSC!

Photos by Julian Ponce


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Haven't blogged much for this month!

Sorry about that! Haven't updated Video Of The Week and added personal blog entries! I've moved to a dorm this month and haven't have the luxury to blog there since I don't have a laptop. So I'll try my best to posts! Hopefully next week!

Last week of the term (Finals, UGH)! And off to Term break! Rest rest rest!!!

The rich culture of our country!

Even before we were colonized, we have our OWN culture, system. We are not idiots!

A final creative output for ARTMUSC and an informative video of our culture!


Guts, an Original Filipino Science Fiction

By Ramon Emmanuel A. Agbisit

(Spects of the Mobile Suit were got from the anime Gundam Seed Destiny and Gundam 00 from

I woke up with a heavy head ache. Haven't slept for days. It's August 15, 2051 a Tuesday. First day of war declared by the Philippines to China. First time ever that my country to declare war to a power house country. It’s been quite some time that the Chinese that are staying in Spratlys are mistreating the Filipinos ( CLICK TO SEE REAL UPDATES ) . The higher ups already know this and done measurable actions. Both countries talking about it. But came the day when the Chinese drew the line. A drunk Chinese soldier shot a Filipino child due to annoyance and drunkenness. As the President tried to be patient talking to the Chinese peacefully and in order about the island, he finds this issue disregarded always and looked down on us. He declared war.

I’m Lloyd, a plane pilot. Maybe the ace of my batch but not to brag about it I’m not really for war. Who would thought and know that the government have the guts to declare war? Who would know that the they’re saving up money to situations like this and not let the people know it. Now the nation is surprised how it’ll be financed and what were they thinking declaring war to China.
All I know is I’ll be piloting a different kind of machine. As the president declared war, he already have committees reserved in case of this kind of situations and I was chosen. Today everyone will be gathered again and I will be briefed with the situation. The army already made its move, monitoring the Philippine area of responsibility for any attacks. All satellite working in case of aerial attacks.

I’m really not nervous with the war. To tell you the truth, I’m really excited what the country has stored all of these years. Beside from the chance of dying, I want to know what the government is spending. Today I’ll be meeting with the Chief General of the military. It’s 8am and I need to get going.

After 4 hours of travel, we arrived at Clark Air Base. We were assisted immediately no time is to be wasted. This is the first time to enter its underground base. I never thought it even had one. Now I’m getting more excited. As Chief Milliare shows us the HQ, I suddenly saw this strange machine covered and strictly guarded. Chief introduced me to the crew and finally the moment arrived, the unveiling…

My heart beat is beating faster and faster, pumping so hard…

“I introduce to you, PHL-XGMF 001 PINOY!” he said, smiling and proud.

Like this is the greatest achievement the Philippines has ever had. At the same time this robot-like machine gets uncovered. As I look carefully to it, I’m shocked! I never thought I’d see one, and never thought that I’ll see it in the Philippines! A real mobile suit in front of me, and I’m the one who’s going to pilot it!


is 18.3 meters high, 23.7 metric tons with the latest

EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON (Disconnected Rapid Arment Group Overlook Operation Network) mobile assault wings (Mount 8x MA-08V beam assault cannon)

a sheild,

beam magnum and

beam saber.

There were only rumours before that the country will be acquiring such technology, a mobile suit. Always when asked the government is denying this. They said that there are no reason to buy this expensive mech since there is no reason for war. Who would believe that if most of the national budget was invested at the military. I’m at awe seeing this in front of my eyes! Never in my wildest dreams that I’ll be in one. As I come near PINOY, I’m fascinated in all of these years that the country hide it from the public.
The pilot seat is located in the torso. We’re walking in a folding bridge in front of me is the docking place of the pilot.

As I seat in the cockpit, the alarm rang!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The ultimate help!

Just this week I moved to a dorm from our house.So I got inspired what to get...

If the technology is well developed and if I'll be rich enough to afford a mech, I'll buy a nanny! With this I can instruct my "nanny" to do my laundry, cook my food, clean the house, wash the dishes and features super speed so that it can do it fast!

I think in making robots science must draw the line on how to manipulate emotions. Like in the movie "A.I." and short story "Helen O'Loy". Robots gets too much with their human partners.