Friday, May 14, 2010

Meaning of some Paramore songs.

All We Know: When Jeremy left the band, the whole Album AWKIF is written around the concept of Jeremy leaving, and the empty couch with the shadow walking away symbolises the empty space he left.

Emergency: Hayley watching her parents fight and later divorce, I’ve heard it’s affected how she sees love (I’ll explain this later in TOE)
Franklin: About getting famous and not being home as much, basically.
For A Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic: Josh wanted an awesome live song, and said that Hayley nailed the song lyrically as well. It’s about putting your faith in someone and they blow it.
Misery Business: A true story about Hayley watching one of her guy friends (who she had a crush on) be used by his girlfriend, but she eventually won him over.
crushcrushcrush: About liking someone, but they don’t like you back (while their B-side, Decoy, is the opposite: About being in a relationship when your heart really isn’t)
Born For This: Dedicated to us fans.
Ignorance: How Hayley felt a tension between herself and the guys in the band, so she started writing and the lyrics for this song started pouring out, and apparently the next day at practice, she was so worried at what the guys would say she mumbled the words into the mic. But it started getting the band talking about their problems and is said to be the song that saved Paramore.
Brick By Boring Brick: When you get so deeply involved in your fantasy it doesn’t just affect you, but everyone around you; so the only way to get free is to start building a foundation, even if it means starting with a stupid old brick.
Turn It Off: How Hayley started to feel as if she was losing faith in her religion.
The Only Excpetion: The first Paramore song to have a positive feeling towards love. It’s written about Chad Gilbert, and (like explained in Emergency) tells how she didn’t believe loved truely existed through watching her parents divorce.
Looking Up: Hayley’s favourite song on the new record, she says it’s one of the songs you wind the window down to and sing at the top of your lungs.
All I Wanted: Also written about Chad, Hayley described herself as being ‘emo’ when she wrote the song.


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