Saturday, May 1, 2010

5:30 ay-em.

So I didn't went back to sleep when I woke up around 4am, instead I waited for the sun to rise and planed to jog here in our village. I saw sunlight already around 5:10 but I started jogging 5:30. From our house I jogged until the middle of the main road at Belair 3 then walk until its end. Going back, I walked until the Belair 3's guard house then started jogging back at our place. While jogging back, I was thinking to cook myself breakfast, thinking that there will be hotdogs and eggs in the fridge. No hotdogs, just eggs. So I cooked scrambled eggs, cooked an instant noodle and fried rice. It turned out great! I'm so full, and everyone is still asleep. hehe.

Now, washing the dishes. :|

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