Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Again and yes, again.

I still haven’t seen her this term and one thing to tell you guys, I miss her so much. But the fact that things can’t be the same for now, I just have to ignore these feelings of wanting to see her and talk to her again without any regrets. Maybe it’s still not the time for us again…

They say, “If you guys are meant to be together, then it’s you two at the end” somehow, I can’t seem to believe in fate anymore. But a friend told me, if I really love her, I can endure anything and won’t really mind the hardships because that’s love.

One of the new year’s resolutions that I made was not to be emo-ish this new year and so far I’m failing to accomplish that. Haha! I’ve been reading the letter that was given on my birthday . There she explained things to made it more clear for me. I was reading it again yesterday, and felt depressed again.

Still the question in my head is WHY?

AGAIN, for the nth time… back to point blank, ground zero, to the starting line. I think I’ve been doing a good job on moving on, but somehow brings me back to the day 4 months ago, to the hardship of coping up with everyday thinking that things aren’t the same.

I’ll be okay again tomorrow, I know.

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