Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SciFi: The possible consquences, and the possible solutions.

SciFi reflects scientific thought, a fiction of things-to-come based on thigs-on-hand.

After the class leaved me something to ponder on. In the past movies that I watched what are really good SciFi movies, what are the weak ones and what are this movies that I thought was SciFi's but are really fantasies. So here are my top 3 lists of good and weak SciFi movies. For me a good SciFi movie is that there is an alternative in reality. Take example of Jurassic Park, cloning. There are existing research about cloning already.

But I'm not saying that this films are not great! Just on the category of SciFi :)

The good ones:

Inception : Great movie! The concept of a dream within a dream and going to subconscious like the one in Matrix of going to another world. The process using advanced technology to steal information and leave ideas to the person using inception. Great movie. Good Sci-Fi! :-bd

Tron: Legacy : Tron's visual effects are awesome! No doubts about that! Flynn (one of the main characters) creating this virtual world (Tron) and discovering the "ISOs" (Self-produced Programs that spontaneously evolved in the system, which carried the potential to unlock mysteries in science, religion, and medicine)

Splice : Splice as weird as it may be is one of my favorite SciFi movies. Before maybe cloning was the IT thing in SciFi but this movie took genetics to the next level. Not just being able to blend human DNA with animals but this "splice" are hermaphrodite it changes sex.

The weak ones
( really having a hard time from choosing weak ones) :

The Hulk : Exposed to Gamma Rays and then have this super natural powers? Nah, I don't think that this is a good SciFi film. It has a little bit of fantasy in terms of being angry then you'll be this big green monster that can't control his powers and destroys anything. As well when with Bruce Banner's father (I'm talking about the 2003 Hulk movie) when he was then exposed to gamma ray, he then got this "elemental" powers. So for me, this is a weak one.

Planet of the Apes : I just don't see it. Apes talking. I could still take that "ALIENS" are gross creatures and that we don't understand anything that they're saying. Aliens as Apes that are intelligent or maybe more than humans. No. I don't see this as a good scifi film.

2012 : 2012-end-of-the-world is a PROPHECY of the Mayan civilization. No real scientific explanation in the movie. Maybe, yes. The natural catastrophes and the "hidden" ship. At the end of the movie it was like "Noah's Ark". A new beginning at new land.

So this concludes my top 3 good/weak SciFi movies! You could comment on your personal insights :-bd

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What is happiness?

Happiness for me is having that smile without worrying anything.

I've been struggling lately, again. This happens at times like this when our family is having that tough times. I'm really tired with our situation like this.

And I was wondering...

What do I bring to people?

What was I before?

Do I bring happiness to people?

But after watching that video (above) and this blog (http://dannybatman.com/site/world-website/) made me realize again and again that there is more to this. That I'm still lucky in ways. I'm still surviving. We are. And God won't give us problems that we couldn't face. But we're just human, we get tired.

Been thinking what are the problems of the people who have everything, like the rich people. Or the kids who gets what they want.